Sunday, July 22, 2007


Sometimes life seems to be a bit of a comedy of errors! I sat down to nurse the baby. When I sat back, something bit my neck. So while I was trying to put ice of the bite 1. the phone rang 2. one child ran down to the basement (off limits to little ones) 3. another child went out the front door 4. Another child, one that can get into the most stuff in the least amount of time, disapeared. Wild days I tell you.

My kit from 3 scrappy boys came on Friday. I did 3 layouts and 2 cards, and a card holder. The cards and card holder are for part of my MIL's Christmas gift. Yes, I know it's early, but we would not be able to afford gifts if I left it til later. So if I purchase or make 4 gifts a month until December, I will be done with Christmas and all the birthdays for the rest of the year :)

Had fun visiting with all our neighbors last night. Until 12:30! It is so much fun to set up tables, share food and drinks, play cards and watch all the kids play together. Unfortunately after staying up kind of late, the baby woke every 2 hours last night. I am hoping that his tooth pops through soon! Ok I am off to make chicken soup for dinner. It is actually fairly cool here today and I am taking advantage of it.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Friday favorite list

things I like about Georgia
1. The weather. Weird I know but the humidity is so much easier for me to deal with than the 102 temps in California!

2. Nice neighbors! We sure lucked out.

3. neighborhood card games :) We have been getting togther in the street to play cards with whoever drops by. So fun.

4. Archivers :)

5. Living sort of near my parents. and near my cousin and her family.

Oops. the baby is crying! Teething! got to run...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14 07

Do you keep a journal? I have always wanted to. I have started so many in the past, only to forget about them. So now I have a blog :) I really do want to remember these days. Even though certain phases seem to d r a g on and on, I know they are all too fleeting. I also keep a word document on my computer where I keep records of the baby's first year. First tooth, weight ect....

Today I went birthday shopping. We have 3 birthdays in a few weeks. The 28th, 29th and the 2nd. FOr our soon to be 3 years old I bought. Looks like something all three little boys will have fun with :)

For our special needs daughter that will be a teenager (yikes) . She really loves water and sand. Of course I was already home before I remembered I forgot to buy sand! So I will have to do that this week.

I won't post what I bought my other birthday girl. Because she may read my blog :)

Since I was over there, I ran into Archiver's :) I picked up the new Memory Makers. These get better and better every month. So if you looked at The December issue and thought YUCK! They have really listened to their readers. This issue was really good. More how to articles than CK or BHG, kinda like scrapbook answers that went out of business.

Instead of a layout I will leave you with a picture of the boys playing in the neighbors driveway after a downpour :)